Safety Culture Diagnosis [English version]

R$ 120,00
Safety Culture Diagnosis [English version]
Disponibilidade: Em estoque

The main objective of this book is to make the competence to diagnose and access the safety culture of organizations available to all professionals who fight for the constant search for cultural transformation. The author aimed to make a special curatorship for this material, always evidencing, in a practical way, the learnings acquired throughout her career, executing and leading more than 50 diagnoses carried out in 22 countries. The book is a practical guide, with examples of content, developed in a step-by-step format, which allows readers at each stage to build their strategy and create their tools in order to ensure that everyone can act in the execution of diagnoses. It is important to note that this book explores the authorial model published in the book Safety Culture from Theory to Practice. Its elements functioned as the basis for the development of the diagnosis. I want this content to provide you with growth and development. Keeping in mind that we work to strengthen the safety culture, in order to train more than employees who respect and comply with safety rules and procedures, we want to transform them into citizens who have safety as a value. Diagnosing is the first step in this transformation journey.

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ISBN 978-65-00-45552-6
NCM AA20221410
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